Elm  2
ELM is a library providing generic data structures, OS-independent interface, plugins and XML.
XOM Module


class  Attribute
class  Builder
class  Comment
class  Document
class  Element
class  Element
class  Elements
class  Exception
class  Node
class  NodeFactory
class  ParentNode
class  Serializer
class  Text
class  XIncluder

Detailed Description

#include <elm/xom.h>

This module support an implementation of the XOM API (http://www.xom.nu/) for XML adapted to C++. All classes of this modules are contained in the elm::xom namespace.

C++ specificities includes :
  • the strings are encoded in UTF-8 and the elm::xom::String class provides facilities to handle them.
  • some methods builds new string and some only uses fixed string that does not need to be fried. Read carefully the documentation to avoid memory leaks.
  • as the method getValue() may in some cases build a new string, elm::xom::Text provides a more efficient method, getText(), to get its content without need of memory management.