OTAWA  2.0
Framework to perform machine analysis and compute WCET.
CFG (Control Flow Graph)

This module allows to represents program as a Control Flow Graph (CFG). The CFG is graph representation of the execution path of the program where nodes represents either a basic block, or a synthetic blocks, and edges, Edge, the control flow transitions between blocks. A BasicBlock, represents blocks of sequential instructions. A synthetic block represents sub-CFG references a CFG that may be a subprogram call or a separated subgraph of blocks. Whatever, CFG have usually a single entry point and a single exit point. Only subprograms with unresolved control target supports a second exit node, called "unknown": unresolved branches are implemented as edges from the current basic block to the unknown node. More...


class  otawa::AbstractCFGBuilder
class  otawa::BasicBlock
class  otawa::Block
class  otawa::CFG
class  otawa::CFGBuilder
class  otawa::CFGChecker
class  otawa::CFGCheckSummer
class  otawa::CFGCollection
class  otawa::CFGCollector
class  otawa::CFGInfo
class  otawa::CFGMaker
class  otawa::CFGNormalizer
class  otawa::CFGTransformer
class  otawa::DelayedBuilder
class  otawa::DomInfo
class  otawa::Edge
class  otawa::Loop
class  otawa::LoopManager
class  otawa::LoopReductor
class  otawa::LoopUnroller
class  otawa::PhonyBlock
class  otawa::PostDomInfo
class  otawa::ip::Predecessor
class  otawa::ip::Successor
class  otawa::SynthBlock


p::id< Addressotawa::ADDED_CFG ("otawa::ADDED_CFG", 0)
 This configuration property allows to add unlinked CFG to the used CFG collection. More...
p::id< CStringotawa::ADDED_FUNCTION ("otawa::ADDED_FUNCTION", 0)
 This configuration property allows to add unlinked functions to the used CFG collection. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::BACK_EDGE ("otawa::BACK_EDGE", false)
 Identifier for marking back edges. More...
p::id< Bag< Address > > otawa::BB_BOUNDS ("otawa::BB_BOUNDS")
 Configuration identifier, provides a list of BB start point (whatever the control flow of the executable). More...
p::id< Edge * > otawa::CALLED_BY ("otawa::CALLED_BY", 0)
 This properties are put on a CFG to get the list of edges calling it. More...
p::feature otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE ("otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGCheckSummer >())
 This feature ensures that each CFG has hooked a checksum allowing to check binary modifications between launch of an OTAWA application. More...
Identifier< const CFGInfo * > otawa::CFG_INFO ("otawa::CFG_INFO", 0)
 Get the collection of CFG found in the program. More...
p::feature otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE ("otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGBuilder >())
 Feature asserting that the CFG has been scanned in the program. More...
p::id< Addressotawa::CFG_START ("otawa::CFG_START")
 Provide the start address of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< Addressotawa::CFG_STOP ("otawa::CFG_STOP", false)
 Provide the stop address of a sub-CFG to extract (exclusive). More...
p::feature otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE ("otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGChecker >())
 This feature ensures that. More...
Identifier< unsigned long > otawa::CHECKSUM ("otawa::CHECKSUM", 0)
 This property hooked on a CFG provides a checksum build on the instruction of the CFG. More...
p::interfaced_feature< const CFGCollectionotawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE ("otawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGCollector >())
 This feature asserts that all CFG involved in the current computation has been collected and accessible thanks to INVOLVED_CFGS property. More...
p::feature otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE ("otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< DelayedBuilder >())
 This feature informs that the current microprocessor supports delayed branches and that the CFG has been changed to reflect effect of delay branches. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::DELAYED_INST ("otawa::DELAYED_INST", false)
 This property is set on instruction of a delayed branch. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::DELAYED_NOP ("otawa::DELAYED_NOP", false)
 This property is true on NOP instructions insserted due to branch delay. More...
p::interfaced_feature< DomInfootawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE ("otawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE", new Maker< Dominance >())
 This feature ensures that information about domination between nodes of a CFG is available. More...
p::id< CFG * > otawa::ENTRY_CFG ("otawa::entry_cfg", 0)
 This property is used to get the entry CFG of the currently processed task. More...
p::id< elm::Vector< Edge * > * > otawa::EXIT_LIST ("otawa::EXIT_LIST", 0)
 Defined for any BasicBlock that is a loop header. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::INLINING_POLICY ("otawa::INLINING_POLICY")
 Put on the first instruction of a function to set default inlining behavior during its virtualization. More...
p::id< const CFGCollection * > otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS ("otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS", 0)
 This property is used to link the current computation involved CFG on the framework. More...
p::id< location_totawa::LOCATION_START ("otawa::LOCATION_START", location_t(nullptr, nullptr))
 Provide the start location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< location_totawa::LOCATION_STOP ("otawa::LOCATION_STOP", location_t(nullptr, nullptr))
 Provide the stop location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< Block * > otawa::LOOP_ENTRY ("otawa::LOOP_ENTRY", nullptr)
 Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the entry-edge of any loop. More...
p::id< Block * > otawa::LOOP_EXIT ("otawa::LOOP_EXIT", nullptr)
 Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the exit-edge of any loop. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::LOOP_HEADER ("otawa::LOOP_HEADER", false)
 Identifier for marking basic blocks that are entries of loops. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::NO_INLINE ("otawa::NO_INLINE")
 Put on the first instruction of a function to indicate whether it should be inlined or not during virtualization. More...
 otawa::PostDominance::PostDominance (p::declare &r=reg)
 The postdominance processors computes postdominance relation on the current CFG. More...
p::interfaced_feature< PostDomInfootawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE ("otawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE", new Maker< PostDominance >())
 This feature ensures that information about postdomination between nodes of a CFG is vailable. More...
p::feature otawa::SPLIT_CFG ("otawa::SPLIT_CFG", p::make< SubCFGBuilder >())
 This feature ensure that a part of the current has been extracted as a sub-CFG based on address provided by two properties: More...
Identifier< Block * > otawa::UNROLLED_FROM ("otawa::UNROLLED_FROM", 0)
 Put on the header ex-header of a loop, this property gives the BB of the unrolled loop. More...
p::feature otawa::UNROLLED_LOOPS_FEATURE ("otawa::UNROLLED_LOOPS_FEATURE", new Maker< LoopUnroller >())
 This feature that the loops have been unrolled at least once. More...


p::id< Addressotawa::ADDED_CFG
 This configuration property allows to add unlinked CFG to the used CFG collection. More...
p::id< CStringotawa::ADDED_FUNCTION
 This configuration property allows to add unlinked functions to the used CFG collection. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::BACK_EDGE
 Identifier for marking back edges. More...
p::id< Bag< Address > > otawa::BB_BOUNDS
 Configuration identifier, provides a list of BB start point (whatever the control flow of the executable). More...
p::id< Edge * > otawa::CALLED_BY
 This properties are put on a CFG to get the list of edges calling it. More...
p::feature otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE
 This feature ensures that each CFG has hooked a checksum allowing to check binary modifications between launch of an OTAWA application. More...
Identifier< const CFGInfo * > otawa::CFG_INFO
 Get the collection of CFG found in the program. More...
p::feature otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE
 Feature asserting that the CFG has been scanned in the program. More...
p::id< Addressotawa::CFG_START
 Provide the start address of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< Addressotawa::CFG_STOP
 Provide the stop address of a sub-CFG to extract (exclusive). More...
p::feature otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE
 This feature ensures that. More...
Identifier< unsigned long > otawa::CHECKSUM
 This property hooked on a CFG provides a checksum build on the instruction of the CFG. More...
p::interfaced_feature< const CFGCollectionotawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE
 This feature asserts that all CFG involved in the current computation has been collected and accessible thanks to INVOLVED_CFGS property. More...
p::feature otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE
 This feature informs that the current microprocessor supports delayed branches and that the CFG has been changed to reflect effect of delay branches. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::DELAYED_INST
 This property is set on instruction of a delayed branch. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::DELAYED_NOP
 This property is true on NOP instructions insserted due to branch delay. More...
p::interfaced_feature< DomInfootawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE
 This feature ensures that information about domination between nodes of a CFG is available. More...
p::id< CFG * > otawa::ENTRY_CFG
 This property is used to get the entry CFG of the currently processed task. More...
p::id< elm::Vector< Edge * > * > otawa::EXIT_LIST
 Defined for any BasicBlock that is a loop header. More...
static Identifier< const CFGInfo * > & otawa::CFGInfo::ID = CFG_INFO
 This property allows to get the CFG information from the current CFG is member of. More...
Identifier< boolotawa::INLINING_POLICY
 Put on the first instruction of a function to set default inlining behavior during its virtualization. More...
p::id< const CFGCollection * > otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS
 This property is used to link the current computation involved CFG on the framework. More...
p::id< location_totawa::LOCATION_START
 Provide the start location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< location_totawa::LOCATION_STOP
 Provide the stop location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive). More...
p::id< Block * > otawa::LOOP_ENTRY
 Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the entry-edge of any loop. More...
p::id< Block * > otawa::LOOP_EXIT
 Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the exit-edge of any loop. More...
p::id< Block * > & otawa::LOOP_EXIT_EDGE = LOOP_EXIT
Identifier< boolotawa::LOOP_HEADER
 Identifier for marking basic blocks that are entries of loops. More...
static Identifier< boolotawa::CFGChecker::NO_EXCEPTION
 In configuration of otawa::CFGChecker . More...
Identifier< boolotawa::NO_INLINE
 Put on the first instruction of a function to indicate whether it should be inlined or not during virtualization. More...
p::interfaced_feature< PostDomInfootawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE
 This feature ensures that information about postdomination between nodes of a CFG is vailable. More...
p::feature otawa::SPLIT_CFG
 This feature ensure that a part of the current has been extracted as a sub-CFG based on address provided by two properties: More...
Identifier< Block * > otawa::UNROLLED_FROM
 Put on the header ex-header of a loop, this property gives the BB of the unrolled loop. More...
p::feature otawa::UNROLLED_LOOPS_FEATURE
 This feature that the loops have been unrolled at least once. More...

Detailed Description

This module allows to represents program as a Control Flow Graph (CFG). The CFG is graph representation of the execution path of the program where nodes represents either a basic block, or a synthetic blocks, and edges, Edge, the control flow transitions between blocks. A BasicBlock, represents blocks of sequential instructions. A synthetic block represents sub-CFG references a CFG that may be a subprogram call or a separated subgraph of blocks. Whatever, CFG have usually a single entry point and a single exit point. Only subprograms with unresolved control target supports a second exit node, called "unknown": unresolved branches are implemented as edges from the current basic block to the unknown node.

Using the CFG

Most analyses only read the CFG structure and either use the properties of the CFG, or creates new properties. They only need to understand the structure of the CFG.

Most classes, features and identifier are accessible in the header file:

A CFG is made mainly of 5 classes:

These classes are subclasses of PropList and therefore support properties.

To visit a CFG, one has to start from either the entry, or the exit block (that are not virtual blocks and does not match any code in the program) and follows the edges (be aware that a CFG may contain loops !). To get the outputting edges of a BB, the following code based on the iterator BasicBlock::OutIterator may apply:

for(BasicBlock::OutIter edge = bb->outs(); edge; edge++)

Another way to work CFG is to make the analysis class to inherit from one of the following standard processors:

They will avoid the hassle work of traversing the different CFGs of the task and BB and edges inside the CFGs.

As an example, the following analysis outputs the CFG and disassemble the instructions in the BB.

class Disassembler: public BBProcessor {
virtual void processCFG(WorkSpace *ws, CFG *cfg) {
cout << "CFG " << cfg->label() << io::endl;
virtual void processBB(WorkSpace *ws, CFG *cfg, BasicBlock *bb) {
cout << "\t" << bb << io::endl;
for(BasicBlock::InstIter inst = bb->insts(); inst; inst++)
cout << "\t\t" << inst->address() << "\t" << *inst << io::endl;

One may also observe that the CFG representation fully supports transformations like inlining of called sub-program or the representation of a possible exception raise. As shown in the section on the transformation of CFG, these transformations does not duplicate code or changes the original program. Only the representation is modified and aims at improving the precision in some particular cases.

Finally, a CFG may be called at different points in the other CFGs of the program, the properties CALLED_BY hooked to the CFG allows to get the matching calling edges:

for(Identifier<Edge *>::Getter edge(cfg, CALLED_BY); edge; edge++)
processCaller(cfg, edge);

Building the CFGs

Once a program is loaded, OTAWA has only two information item on the structure of the program: the block of bytes representing the program and the startup address of the program. In addition, according to the option of linkage, other symbols may be available like the entry points of the functions composing the program.

From this, OTAWA must decode the instructions from these entry points and follows all execution paths until fully decoding the program. This first phase is performed the CFGBuilder analysis that produces as an output, a CFGInfo, the collection of all CFGs (one by function) of the program. This phase is relatively complex and may fail because of:

For the latter case, you can help CFGBuilder by providing information on the possible branches using the properties below:

This properties are usually set by the FlowFactLoader from textual or XML files. Once may also observe that this properties allows also to change artificially the control flow according to the needs of a user. For example, one can avoid the "printf" function to be called by putting a property NO_CALL on its entry instruction.

Once the global CFGs of the program are built, the user is usually interested only in a subset of CFGS corresponding to the task the WCET is computed for. This subset is gathered by the CFGCollector analysis from one of the following properties:

As a result, the INVOLVED_CFGS (type CFGCollection) hooked to the workspace provides this list of functions that is used by the following analyses to perform the WCET computation. Notices that the first CFG of the collection is the entry point of the task. Remark also that the obtained CFG are a copy of the original CFG of the global decoding of the program: this means that you add as many properties to the collected CFG without impacting the CFGs of the global analysis.

Loops in the CFGs

Loops are a common shared issue when handling CFG. OTAWA provides several way to cope with loops. First two features allows to identify loops: LOOP_HEADERS_FEATURE and LOOP_INFO_FEATURE.

The LOOP_HEADERS_FEATURE allows to identify the loops in the CFG. Basically, it finds the back-edges (edges causing the looping) and, from these, the header of the loops. Each loop is defined by its header basic block that is the first basic block traversed when entering a loop. An header basic block is the header of only one loop and is a good way to identify the loop. The following properties are set:

This feature is implemented by the Dominance analysis or SpanningTreeBuilder.

If LOOP_HEADERS_FEATURE provides minimal information on a loop, LOOP_INFO_FEATURE allows to get full details sometimes for some analyses. The following properties are set:

As shown above, the loop handled by OTAWA supports only one entry point and header. This is a classic definition of so-called "regular" loops. Even if this is the most common loop found, some programs exhibit "irregular" loops (at least, two possible entry point). A usual way to support such a loop is to choose one entry point and to duplicate the code of the other entry points: this may be done in OTAWA using the analysis LoopReductor.

Transforming the CFG

CFGs in OTAWA are designed to be light representation of the program, that is, they support duplication with a minimal cost in term of memory footprint. This means, for example, that the precision of the computed WCET may be improved by duplicating some parts of the CFG to cope more precisely with the context of the code. Several OTAWA code processors provide such transformations.

The Virtualizer allows to inline the called function at the location they are called. Therefore, if a function is called at several locations, this allows to duplicate the BB and the edges representing the function and, instead to melt the context information, to have a context as precise as possible. Yet, such a transformation may be costly in terms of number of BB and must be used carefully. To prevent such a size explosion, you can mark a CFG as DONT_INLINE to prevent the inlining.

Unrolling loops is another way to improve precision. As many loop body have a different behavior between the first iteration and the other one (cache load, etc), it may be interesting to unroll loops once. This may be performed using the code processor LoopUnroller.

Finally, some transformations are required by a particular architecture. This is the case of instruction sets with delayed branches. Delayed branches executes the instruction following the branch instruction before performing actually the control flow change. As an outcome, the instruction following a branch is really part of the basic block the branch is contained in. This policy is different from the usual way OTAWA builds CFGs and a transformation must be done to fix the basic blocks: this is performed by DelayedBuilder.

Input / Output in XML

This modules provides two code processors allowing to perform input / output on CFG. CFGSaver save the CFG of the current task to a file while CFGLoader allows to load it back.

Both processors uses the same XML format defined below:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<cfg id="ID" entry="ID" exit="ID">
<bb id="ID" address="ADDRESS"? size="INT"?/>*
<edge kind="KIND" source="ID" target="ID"? cfg="ID"?/>*

The OTAWA workspace is viewed, in the CFG representation, as a set of CFG that, in turn, is made of several basic blocks linked by edges. Each CFG and BB is identified with the attribute "id", any textual unique value, allowing to reference them.

The cfg element must reference two specific BB (using the unique "id"), an entry BB and an exit BB. The BB is defined by its address and its size (in bytes). The edges are defined by their kind, the source BB and, depending on the type, the target BB or the called CFG (Edge::CALL). The latter attribute "cfg" must give the identifier of an existing CFG.

Function Documentation


p::id<Address> otawa::ADDED_CFG ( "otawa::ADDED_CFG"  ,

This configuration property allows to add unlinked CFG to the used CFG collection.


p::id<CString> otawa::ADDED_FUNCTION ( "otawa::ADDED_FUNCTION"  ,

This configuration property allows to add unlinked functions to the used CFG collection.


Identifier<bool> otawa::BACK_EDGE ( "otawa::BACK_EDGE"  ,

Identifier for marking back edges.



p::id<Bag<Address> > otawa::BB_BOUNDS ( "otawa::BB_BOUNDS"  )

Configuration identifier, provides a list of BB start point (whatever the control flow of the executable).


p::id<Edge *> otawa::CALLED_BY ( "otawa::CALLED_BY"  ,

This properties are put on a CFG to get the list of edges calling it.



p::feature otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE ( "otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< CFGCheckSummer () 

This feature ensures that each CFG has hooked a checksum allowing to check binary modifications between launch of an OTAWA application.



Identifier<const CFGInfo *> otawa::CFG_INFO ( "otawa::CFG_INFO"  ,

Get the collection of CFG found in the program.



p::feature otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE ( "otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< CFGBuilder () 

Feature asserting that the CFG has been scanned in the program.

The result is put the CFGInfo::ID.



p::id<Address> otawa::CFG_START ( "otawa::CFG_START"  )

Provide the start address of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Only one start address can be given. If not provided, the start is assumed to be the first address of the CFG.



p::id<Address> otawa::CFG_STOP ( "otawa::CFG_STOP"  ,

Provide the stop address of a sub-CFG to extract (exclusive).

Several stop address can be given. If not provided, the stop is assumed to be the last address of the blocks preceding the exit of the current CFG.



p::feature otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE ( "otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< CFGChecker () 

This feature ensures that.

  • there exists at least one path from the entry to the exit,
  • no branch is unresolved.

Default Processor


Identifier<unsigned long > otawa::CHECKSUM ( "otawa::CHECKSUM"  ,

This property hooked on a CFG provides a checksum build on the instruction of the CFG.


p::interfaced_feature<const CFGCollection> otawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE ( "otawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< CFGCollector () 

This feature asserts that all CFG involved in the current computation has been collected and accessible thanks to INVOLVED_CFGS property.



p::feature otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE ( "otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< DelayedBuilder () 

This feature informs that the current microprocessor supports delayed branches and that the CFG has been changed to reflect effect of delay branches.

Default Processor


Identifier<bool> otawa::DELAYED_INST ( "otawa::DELAYED_INST"  ,

This property is set on instruction of a delayed branch.



Identifier<bool> otawa::DELAYED_NOP ( "otawa::DELAYED_NOP"  ,

This property is true on NOP instructions insserted due to branch delay.



p::interfaced_feature<DomInfo> otawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE ( "otawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< Dominance () 

This feature ensures that information about domination between nodes of a CFG is available.

Back edges are marked with BACK_EDGE property while dominance may be tested using an interface of type DomInfo and provided by DOM_INFO property.

OTAWA provides several implementation of domination calculation:



p::id<CFG *> otawa::ENTRY_CFG ( "otawa::entry_cfg"  ,

This property is used to get the entry CFG of the currently processed task.

@para Hooks


p::id<elm::Vector<Edge *> *> otawa::EXIT_LIST ( "otawa::EXIT_LIST"  ,

Defined for any BasicBlock that is a loop header.

Contain a list of the exit edges associated with the loop (more clearly, EXIT_LIST(h) is the list of the edges for which LOOP_EXIT_EDGE(edge) == h)



Identifier<bool> otawa::INLINING_POLICY ( "otawa::INLINING_POLICY"  )

Put on the first instruction of a function to set default inlining behavior during its virtualization.

This overrides VIRTUAL_INLINING default policy of Virtualizer.


p::id<const CFGCollection *> otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS ( "otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS"  ,

This property is used to link the current computation involved CFG on the framework.



p::id<location_t> otawa::LOCATION_START ( "otawa::LOCATION_START"  ,
location_t(nullptr, nullptr)   

Provide the start location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Only one start location can be given. If not provided, the start location is assumed to be the first address of the CFG.



p::id<location_t> otawa::LOCATION_STOP ( "otawa::LOCATION_STOP"  ,
location_t(nullptr, nullptr)   

Provide the stop location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Several stop locations can be given. If not provided, the stop location is assumed to be the last instruction of the blocks preceding the exit of the current CFG.



p::id<Block*> otawa::LOOP_ENTRY ( "otawa::LOOP_ENTRY"  ,

Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the entry-edge of any loop.

If this is the case, then, the property contains the header of the loop exited by the edge.



p::id<Block*> otawa::LOOP_EXIT ( "otawa::LOOP_EXIT"  ,

Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the exit-edge of any loop.

If this is the case, then, the property contains the header of the loop exited by the edge. If the edge exits more than one loop, the property contains the header of the outer loop.



Identifier<bool> otawa::LOOP_HEADER ( "otawa::LOOP_HEADER"  ,

Identifier for marking basic blocks that are entries of loops.



Identifier<bool> otawa::NO_INLINE ( "otawa::NO_INLINE"  )

Put on the first instruction of a function to indicate whether it should be inlined or not during virtualization.

This overrides VIRTUAL_INLINING default policy of Virtualizer and INLINING_POLICY of the caller CFG.

◆ PostDominance()

otawa::PostDominance::PostDominance ( p::declare r = reg)

The postdominance processors computes postdominance relation on the current CFG.

Provided Features
Required Features


p::interfaced_feature<PostDomInfo> otawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE ( "otawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE"  ,
new Maker< PostDominance () 

This feature ensures that information about postdomination between nodes of a CFG is vailable.



p::feature otawa::SPLIT_CFG ( "otawa::SPLIT_CFG"  ,
p::make< SubCFGBuilder () 

This feature ensure that a part of the current has been extracted as a sub-CFG based on address provided by two properties:

This addresses must match instructions of the task entry function and all basic blocks on the paths from start addresses to stop addresses are included in the sub-CFG.


Only one otawa::CFG_START or otawa::LOCATION_START can be defined.

Default processor


Identifier<Block *> otawa::UNROLLED_FROM ( "otawa::UNROLLED_FROM"  ,

Put on the header ex-header of a loop, this property gives the BB of the unrolled loop.



new Maker< LoopUnroller () 

This feature that the loops have been unrolled at least once.


Variable Documentation


p::id<Address> otawa::ADDED_CFG("otawa::ADDED_CFG", 0)

This configuration property allows to add unlinked CFG to the used CFG collection.


p::id<CString> otawa::ADDED_FUNCTION("otawa::ADDED_FUNCTION", 0)

This configuration property allows to add unlinked functions to the used CFG collection.



p::id<Bag<Address> > otawa::BB_BOUNDS("otawa::BB_BOUNDS")

Configuration identifier, provides a list of BB start point (whatever the control flow of the executable).

Referenced by otawa::AbstractCFGBuilder::configure().


p::id<Edge *> otawa::CALLED_BY("otawa::CALLED_BY", 0)

This properties are put on a CFG to get the list of edges calling it.



p::feature otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE("otawa::CFG_CHECKSUM_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGCheckSummer >())

This feature ensures that each CFG has hooked a checksum allowing to check binary modifications between launch of an OTAWA application.


Referenced by otawa::CFGCheckSummer::CFGCheckSummer().


Identifier<const CFGInfo *> otawa::CFG_INFO("otawa::CFG_INFO", 0)

Get the collection of CFG found in the program.



p::feature otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE("otawa::CFG_INFO_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGBuilder >())

Feature asserting that the CFG has been scanned in the program.

The result is put the CFGInfo::ID.



p::id< Address > otawa::CFG_START

Provide the start address of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Only one start address can be given. If not provided, the start is assumed to be the first address of the CFG.


Referenced by otawa::SubCFGBuilder::configure().


p::id< Address > otawa::CFG_STOP

Provide the stop address of a sub-CFG to extract (exclusive).

Several stop address can be given. If not provided, the stop is assumed to be the last address of the blocks preceding the exit of the current CFG.


Referenced by otawa::SubCFGBuilder::configure().


p::feature otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE("otawa::CHECKED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGChecker >())

This feature ensures that.

  • there exists at least one path from the entry to the exit,
  • no branch is unresolved.

Default Processor


Identifier<unsigned long > otawa::CHECKSUM("otawa::CHECKSUM", 0)

This property hooked on a CFG provides a checksum build on the instruction of the CFG.


p::interfaced_feature<const CFGCollection> otawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE("otawa::COLLECTED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< CFGCollector >())


p::feature otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE("otawa::DELAYED_CFG_FEATURE", new Maker< DelayedBuilder >())

This feature informs that the current microprocessor supports delayed branches and that the CFG has been changed to reflect effect of delay branches.

Default Processor


Identifier<bool> otawa::DELAYED_INST("otawa::DELAYED_INST", false)

This property is set on instruction of a delayed branch.



Identifier<bool> otawa::DELAYED_NOP("otawa::DELAYED_NOP", false)

This property is true on NOP instructions insserted due to branch delay.



p::interfaced_feature<DomInfo> otawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE("otawa::DOMINANCE_FEATURE", new Maker< Dominance >())

This feature ensures that information about domination between nodes of a CFG is available.

Back edges are marked with BACK_EDGE property while dominance may be tested using an interface of type DomInfo and provided by DOM_INFO property.

OTAWA provides several implementation of domination calculation:


Referenced by otawa::ContextTreeBuilder::ContextTreeBuilder(), otawa::ContextTreeByCFGBuilder::ContextTreeByCFGBuilder(), otawa::EdgeACSBuilder::EdgeACSBuilder(), otawa::EdgeCAT2Builder::EdgeCAT2Builder(), otawa::EdgeCAT2ConstraintBuilder::EdgeCAT2ConstraintBuilder(), otawa::FirstLastBuilder::FirstLastBuilder(), otawa::Dominance::interfaceFor(), otawa::ipet::CachePenaltiesObjectFunctionBuilder::setup(), and otawa::ipet::FlowFactLoader::setup().



p::id< elm::Vector< Edge * > * > otawa::EXIT_LIST

Defined for any BasicBlock that is a loop header.

Contain a list of the exit edges associated with the loop (more clearly, EXIT_LIST(h) is the list of the edges for which LOOP_EXIT_EDGE(edge) == h)


Referenced by otawa::EXIT_EDGES::begin(), otawa::EXIT_EDGES::end(), otawa::EXIT_EDGES::EXIT_EDGES(), otawa::Loop::exitEdges(), otawa::Loop::exits(), otawa::dfa::hai::HalfAbsInt< otawa::dfa::hai::FirstUnrollingFixPoint >::outputProcessing(), and otawa::ai::FlowAwareRanking::processWorkSpace().

◆ ID

Identifier< const CFGInfo * > & otawa::CFGInfo::ID = CFG_INFO

This property allows to get the CFG information from the current CFG is member of.

See also

Referenced by otawa::WorkSpace::getCFGInfo().


Identifier< bool > otawa::INLINING_POLICY

Put on the first instruction of a function to set default inlining behavior during its virtualization.

This overrides VIRTUAL_INLINING default policy of Virtualizer.


p::id<const CFGCollection *> otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS("otawa::INVOLVED_CFGS", 0)

This property is used to link the current computation involved CFG on the framework.


Referenced by otawa::BBCleaner::clean(), otawa::CFGCollector::cleanup(), otawa::cfgio::Input::cleanup(), otawa::dynbranch::MyGC::collect(), otawa::dfa::hai::HalfAbsInt< otawa::dfa::hai::FirstUnrollingFixPoint >::collect(), otawa::dfa::hai::WideningListener< otawa::dynbranch::GlobalAnalysisProblem >::collect(), otawa::CFGTransformer::commit(), otawa::oslice::Slicer::commit(), otawa::Virtualizer::commit(), otawa::dfa::hai::DefaultListener< P >::DefaultListener(), otawa::ai::FlowAwareRanking::destroy(), otawa::LoopReductor::destroy(), otawa::CFGCollector::destroy(), otawa::CFGTransformer::destroy(), otawa::oslice::Slicer::destroy(), otawa::CFGProcessor::destroy(), otawa::Virtualizer::destroy(), otawa::dcache::CATBuilder::displayStats(), otawa::CFGProcessor::doCleanUp(), otawa::ai::FlowAwareRanking::dump(), otawa::ipet::ConstraintLoader::getBB(), otawa::dynbranch::GlobalAnalysisProblem::getStats(), otawa::BBStatCollector::process(), otawa::etime::StandardILPGenerator::process(), otawa::dcache::CATBuilder::processLBlockSet(), otawa::cat::CATBuilder::processLBlockSet(), otawa::ccg::Builder::processLBlockSet(), otawa::PCGBuilder::processWorkSpace(), otawa::DeadCodeAnalysis::processWorkSpace(), otawa::ConcurrentCFGProcessor::processWorkSpace(), otawa::dcache::CatConstraintBuilder::processWorkSpace(), otawa::ai::FlowAwareRanking::processWorkSpace(), otawa::LoopReductor::processWorkSpace(), otawa::CFGTransformer::processWorkSpace(), otawa::StackAnalysis::processWorkSpace(), otawa::oslice::InstCollector::processWorkSpace(), otawa::oslice::Slicer::processWorkSpace(), otawa::dynbranch::GlobalAnalysis::processWorkSpace(), otawa::CFGProcessor::processWorkSpace(), otawa::Virtualizer::processWorkSpace(), otawa::oslice::LivenessChecker::processWorkSpace(), otawa::clp::Analysis::processWorkSpace(), otawa::oslice::Slicer::slicing(), otawa::BBStatCollector::total(), otawa::dfa::hai::UnrollingListener< P >::UnrollingListener(), otawa::dfa::hai::WideningListener< otawa::dynbranch::GlobalAnalysisProblem >::WideningListener(), otawa::dfa::hai::DefaultListener< P >::~DefaultListener(), otawa::dfa::hai::UnrollingListener< P >::~UnrollingListener(), and otawa::dfa::hai::WideningListener< otawa::dynbranch::GlobalAnalysisProblem >::~WideningListener().


p::id<location_t> otawa::LOCATION_START("otawa::LOCATION_START", location_t(nullptr, nullptr))

Provide the start location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Only one start location can be given. If not provided, the start location is assumed to be the first address of the CFG.


Referenced by otawa::SubCFGBuilder::configure().


p::id<location_t> otawa::LOCATION_STOP("otawa::LOCATION_STOP", location_t(nullptr, nullptr))

Provide the stop location of a sub-CFG to extract (inclusive).

Several stop locations can be given. If not provided, the stop location is assumed to be the last instruction of the blocks preceding the exit of the current CFG.


Referenced by otawa::SubCFGBuilder::configure().


p::id<Block*> otawa::LOOP_ENTRY("otawa::LOOP_ENTRY", nullptr)

Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the entry-edge of any loop.

If this is the case, then, the property contains the header of the loop exited by the edge.



p::id<Block*> otawa::LOOP_EXIT("otawa::LOOP_EXIT", nullptr)

Is defined for an Edge if this Edge is the exit-edge of any loop.

If this is the case, then, the property contains the header of the loop exited by the edge. If the edge exits more than one loop, the property contains the header of the outer loop.



p::id< Block * > & otawa::LOOP_EXIT_EDGE = LOOP_EXIT



Identifier< bool > otawa::CFGChecker::NO_EXCEPTION

In configuration of otawa::CFGChecker .

Inform the CFG checker that it must not issue an exception when an error is found: only a warning.

Referenced by otawa::CFGChecker::configure().


Identifier< bool > otawa::NO_INLINE

Put on the first instruction of a function to indicate whether it should be inlined or not during virtualization.

This overrides VIRTUAL_INLINING default policy of Virtualizer and INLINING_POLICY of the caller CFG.


p::interfaced_feature<PostDomInfo> otawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE("otawa::POSTDOMINANCE_FEATURE", new Maker< PostDominance >())

This feature ensures that information about postdomination between nodes of a CFG is vailable.


Referenced by otawa::PostDominance::interfaceFor().


p::feature otawa::SPLIT_CFG

This feature ensure that a part of the current has been extracted as a sub-CFG based on address provided by two properties:

This addresses must match instructions of the task entry function and all basic blocks on the paths from start addresses to stop addresses are included in the sub-CFG.


Only one otawa::CFG_START or otawa::LOCATION_START can be defined.

Default processor


Identifier<Block *> otawa::UNROLLED_FROM("otawa::UNROLLED_FROM", 0)

Put on the header ex-header of a loop, this property gives the BB of the unrolled loop.



p::feature otawa::UNROLLED_LOOPS_FEATURE("otawa::UNROLLED_LOOPS_FEATURE", new Maker< LoopUnroller >())

This feature that the loops have been unrolled at least once.

elm::io::IntFormat address(Address addr)
Build a format to display addresses.
Definition: base.cpp:234
void processCFG(WorkSpace *ws, CFG *cfg) override
See CFGProcessor::processCFG()
Definition: proc_BBProcessor.cpp:68
p::id< Edge * > CALLED_BY
This properties are put on a CFG to get the list of edges calling it.
io::Output cout
Inst::kind_t kind
Definition: odisasm.cpp:113
uint64 size
const EOL endl
struct otawa::sem::inst inst
void exit(int)
Development Note Letting the ToDo / ToDoList class visible in the header is clumsy.
Definition: ArrayStore.h:25