FFX (Flow Fact in XML) format


8 Loop Bound Attributes

Loop bound attributes are of INFORMATION-ATTRIBUTE but are limited to the loop elements.

| maxcount="INT|NOCOMP"?
| mincount="INT|NOCOMP"?
| totalcount="INT|NOCOMP"?
| exact="BOOL"?
| executed="BOOL"?
| expmaxcount="TEXT"?
| exptotalcount="TEXT"?
Attribute Description
maxcount the maximum number of time the loop iterates after each entry
totalcount the maximum number of time the loop iterates for the whole program run
exact true if the totalcount is exact or false if it is overestimated
executed false if the loop is never executed, true if the loop executes in some cases
expmaxcount maxcount as a formula (if NOCOMP)
exptotalcount totalcount as a formula (if NOCOMP)

The last two attributes define the count as a formula with the given syntax:

expression ::=
| '-' expression
| '(' expression ')'
| expression '+' expression
| expression '-' expression
| expression '*' expression
| expression '/' expression