Otawa  0.10
proc_CFGProcessor.cpp File Reference


 $Id$ Copyright (c) 2007, IRIT - UPS casse.nosp@m.@iri.nosp@m.t.fr


Identifier< CFG * > otawa::ENTRY_CFG ("otawa::entry_cfg", 0)
 This property may be used to pass the entry CFG to a CFG processor or is used by the CFG processor to record in the framework the entry CFG of the currently processed task. More...
Identifier< int > otawa::PROCESSED_CFG ("otawa::processed_cfg", 0)
 This property is used to store statistics about the count of processed CFG. More...
Identifier< bool > otawa::RECURSIVE ("otawa::recursive", true)
 Activate the recucursive feature of BBProcessors : each time a basic block contains a function call, the CFG of this function is recorded to be processed later after the current CFG. More...